** Ihr Lieben, wir haben eben ein Baby bekommen und können erstmal nur einmal pro Woche versenden. Bestellschluss ist jeweils donnerstags um 09:00 Uhr. Wir hoffen auf euer Verständnis und wünschen euch eine schöne Adventszeit **


  • Three different types of matcha at Lowinsky's

    We have starting on Wednesday three different types of matcha ranging from bitter chocolate and lemon, to deep green vegetable and umami, to sparkling fruity with light vanilla notes.  Come on over and give them all a try!  They taste either great alone or with steamed milk.
  • My love of tea started with a job interview given by a French woman

    Three hundred teas.  Countless customers.  Infinite aromas.  Flavors that could haunt you happily in your dreams for a lifetime.  My love of tea is deep and profound.  You're forced to come along this journey.