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Samidori Matcha
Samidori Matcha
Samidori Matcha
Samidori Matcha
  • Lade das Bild in den Galerie-Viewer, Samidori Matcha
  • Lade das Bild in den Galerie-Viewer, Samidori Matcha
  • Lade das Bild in den Galerie-Viewer, Samidori Matcha
  • Lade das Bild in den Galerie-Viewer, Samidori Matcha

Samidori Matcha

Normaler Preis
Normaler Preis
inkl. MwSt.

This is our replacement for Kirari from last year, it’s called Samidori. What drew us to this tea was its strength, umami and meatiness. This tea has such a special umami and creaminess that just coats every little spot in your mouth. It does well as a pure matcha or as a matcha latte because of its deep strength, umami and creaminess. 

Cultivar: Samidori

Grade of steaming: Chuumushi (medium / middle steam)

Region: Kyotanabe, Kyoto